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Fancy a new recipe to try?

Discover a variety of delicious vegan recipes including our "world famous" Hippocrates Green Juice recipe!

Hippocrates Green Juice
“World Famous” Hippocrates Green Juice Recipe!

You could say we are a little crazy about our green juice here at Hippocrates. We drink it twice a day and believe our recipe offers the perfect balance of nutrients and flavor.

Holiday Nog 1
Holiday Nog

Perfect for the holidays, this rich and frothy blend of nuts will be an absolute favorite for family and friends.

Plant Based Milk
How To Make Plant-Based Milk (Any Kind!)

Milks can be made from EITHER sprouted grains OR nuts/seeds blended with pure water and strained. The resulting milky liquid is typically white to off-white in color and can replace animal milk in conventional uses. It makes a very satisfying, nutrition-packed beverage.

Vegan Sugar Free Chai Latte
Vegan Sugar-Free Chai Latte

Try this DIY Chai and skip the overly sweet grocery store latte mix. This spicy aromatic recipe from Executive Chef Ken Blue can be enjoyed hot or iced and is also free of caffeine and sugar!

Hemp Milk
Hemp Milk

Hemp seeds have an excellent balance of Omegas 3 and 6, and to top it off hemp seeds also provide us with all essential amino acids making them a complete protein! Hemp milk is exceptionally creamy and rich.